Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sunshine found a foster!

Special thanks to Dr. Smith at Hayfield Animal Hospital who has agreed to foster little Sunshine!! YAY

Friday, November 26, 2010

Pictures of Sunshine Post-op

Sunshine is doing very well in her first day out of the hospital. She enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving dinner, and now is ready for a full time foster or adoptive home!! Here are some pics of her in her winter sweater and e-collar!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sunshine's Surgery was a success!

Sunshine had a very successful surgery this morning! The break has been repaired, and Sunshine will need to have the pins removed in 4 weeks. She will start her physical therapy this coming week. We're so thrilled that she has such a great prognosis!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Meet Little Miss Sunshine!

Just about 24 hours ago, Lucky Dog received a call from our vet partner, Hayfield Animal Hospital. Animal Control had brought in a 15 week old puppy that had been hit by a car and been very badly injured. She needed surgery, but the owner could not pay. The owner was requesting euthanasia, and the doctors at Hayfield didn't want that to happen. So, the called Lucky Dog!

We sent the x-rays over to Dr Snakard at Dogs & Cats Veterinary Referral Center. After reviewing them, Dr. Snakard told us we should bring her in immediately -- surgery to her hind leg could not wait. So, we rushed Sunshine over to Dogs & Cats where she is currently preparing for her surgery first thing tomorrow morning.

Sunshine's surgery and rehab will likely cost about $4,000. Please consider making a donation to help us cover those costs!